
  2. 平板借用服務
tablet pc


  • 圖資處為推廣館藏電子資源之使用,館藏計有iPad 系列60台;Android 系列200台,可提供免費借用服務。目前可借用館別、數量及即時使用情況,請查詢下述連結。


  • 借期一次以七日為原則,續借以一次為限。每人每次限借用一台,教職員工因授課或公務需求,經本處同意者,不在此限。

  • 行政/教學用途或活動需要大量借用,請於三天前向流通櫃台承辦人個案申辦處理,以便調度準備。

  • 流通櫃台承辦人:

    校本部:許晉綸, email: xliborn898@isu.edu.tw  ,Tel:6577711 ext.2725.

    醫學院區:王依平,email: diana031@isu.edu.tw  ,Tel: 6151100 ext.3573.



  • To promote the use of electronic resources in ISU campus, the Office of Library and Information services provides the borrowing services of the tablets (iPad:60;Android:200). Please refer to the following link to check the models and the current availability.

    【eBook Reader Search Link】

  • The borrowing regulations are based on the “Guidelines on the Borrowing of eBook Readers from the Office of Library and Information Services at I-Shou University”.

  • Tablets can be borrowed for 7 days each time. Each person is limited to borrow one. Faculty and staff members who require the reader for teaching or official business exempt from this limit when approved by the Office.

  • For administrative/teaching purposes, or for activities that borrow a large amount of tablets, please apply to the circulation desk 3 days in advance.

  • Please contact

    Main Campus:Mr. Syu, email: xliborn898@isu.edu.tw  , Tel: 6577711 ext.2725.

    Medical campus: Miss Wang, email: diana031@isu.edu.tw  , Tel: 6151100 ext. 3573.