Welcome to Admissions Section

Admissions Section

Huang, Yi-Cheng

Title: Section Chief
Ext.: 2131
E-mail: g5260010@isu.edu.tw


1. Handling overall affairs relating to student recruitment

Li, Chia-Jung

Title: Senior Staff
Ext.: 2132
E-mail: janice@isu.edu.tw


1. Assisting the Section Chief with administrative affairs and affairs relating to student recruitment
2. Collecting and compiling data of the Section
3. Managing work-study students
4. Handling other non-routine tasks assigned by superiors


Title: Project Staff
Ext.: 2133
E-mail: candyko33@isu.edu.tw


1. Handling affairs relating to admission to master’s and doctoral programs by application
2. Handling affairs relating to admission to doctoral programs via examination
3. Handling affairs relating to admission to master’s programs via examination
4. Handling affairs relating to independent recruitment of indigenous students to bachelor’s degree programs for indigenous peoples
5. Handling affairs relating to admission to bachelor’s degree programs via examination and placemen
6. Handling affairs relating to admission via recommendation for students with outstanding skills taking the TVE Joint College Entrance Examination
7. Handling affairs relating to admission via recommendation and screening for students taking the TVE Joint College Entrance Examination
8. Handling other non-routine tasks assigned by superiors
Lu, Pei-Fang

Title: Staff
Ext.: 2134
E-mail: peanuts@isu.edu.tw

1. Handling affairs relating to admission to bachelor’s degree programs by individual application
2. Handling affairs relating to admission to bachelor’s degree programs via the “Star Plan”
3. Handling affairs relating to admission via recommendation and screening for students with physical and mental disabilities
4. Handling affairs relating to admission via summer transfer exams to bachelor’s degree programs and evening programs
5. Handling affairs relating to admission via winter transfer exams to bachelor’s degree programs and evening programs
6. Handling other non-routine tasks assigned by superiors

Hsiao, Hsiao-Ling

Title: Project Staff
Ext.: 2135
E-mail: ling199385@isu.edu.tw

1. Handling affairs relating to independent recruitment of general and vocational high school students with special skills
2. Handling affairs relating to independent recruitment of outstanding students majoring in specific sports
3. Handling affairs relating to admission via recommendation for outstanding students majoring in specific sports
4. Handling affairs relating to admission to the School of Chinese Medicine for Post-Baccalaureate
5. Handling affairs relating to admission to the School of Nursing for Post-Baccalaureate
6. Handling other non-routine tasks assigned by superior
Lai, Hsiu-Hui

Title: Staff
Ext.: 2136
E-mail: kate@isu.edu.tw


1. Handling affairs relating to admission channels for overseas Chinese students via placement (BS/MS/PHD)
2. Handling affairs relating to admission channels for overseas Chinese students by individual application (BS)
3. Handling affairs relating to admission channels for overseas Chinese students by independent recruitment (BS)
4. Handling affairs relating to admission channels for mainland Chinese students (BS/MS)
5. Handling affairs relating to admission channels for international students by individual application (BS/MS/PHD)
6. Handling affairs relating to overseas programs (BS/MS)
7. Handling affairs relating to school of medicine for international students
8. Handling other non-routine tasks assigned by superiors


Title: Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Ext.: 2138
E-mail: wrwu@isu.edu.tw


1. Handling affairs relating to the specialized student recruitment project
2. Handling other non-routine tasks assigned by superiors

Title: Project Staff
Ext.: 2139


1. Handling affairs relating to the specialized student recruitment project
2. Handling other non-routine tasks assigned by superiors