A. 基本資料
Personal Information

學號(Student ID):      (範例Ex:10720001A)
所屬學制(Program):  *
修讀學位(Degree Title):*
就讀學系(班)(Concentration or Program Title):*

畢業後規畫(Employment Plans after Graduation):*

 其他,請說明(Other–Please specify):

就業,請提供目前現況(Employment – Please select one of the following):
繼續升學,請提供升學情況(Further Study – Please select one of the following):


B. 在義守的學習過程中,我所體認到的是
Please read each statement and select the response that best describes your learning experience at ISU
1-1 讓我具備相當的專業知識技能與工具使用能力
I was prepared to be knowledgeable about the professional literature and to have a good understanding of the current and potential use of technology in my discipline.
1-2 讓我在專業知識的傳達與實務應用上駕輕就熟
I was prepared to express my understanding of the professional literature and knowledge of its implication for professional practices of my discipline.
1-3 讓我具備適當的領導能力
I am equipped for leadership.
1-4 上述的專業知識與技能,將會是我在未來就業或進修很有利的條件
The professional knowledge and skills described above will be very useful for my further studies or future careers.
2-1 讓我常能在課堂中就可以獲得專業領域在國際上的訊息
I was made aware of international issues in my discipline during class hours.
2-2 讓我了解到對全球議題關注的必要性
I was reminded of the necessity and importance of being aware of global issues.
2-3 讓我常有參與或體認國際社會有關的活動,所以我並不排斥到台灣以外的地方工作
I was offered vast opportunities to participate in international activities; therefore, working abroad does not concern me.

3-1 讓我具備運用及整合不同面向專業領域知識的能力
I was prepared to coordinate and apply different aspects of the professional knowledge in my discipline.
3-2 讓我常有機會訓練自己在分析思考與問題解決的能力
I was given vast opportunities to improve my ability in formulating perspectives on important issues and implementing solutions to problems.
4-1 讓我具備應用資訊科技知識與工具的能力
I was prepared to utilize information technology (IT) effectively.
4-2 讓我學習所累積的資訊科技知識與能力,對我在職場就業或未來進修上都有相當的幫助
The IT knowledge and skills I accumulated during study will be very useful for my further studies or future careers.

5-1 讓我具備對專業倫理與道德操守的體認
I was equipped with ethical sensitivity in relation to my discipline.

5-2 讓我具備對社會責任與人文關懷的體認
I was equipped with sensitivity to social, cultural, economic and environmental issues and responsibilities.
6-1 讓我具備有效溝通與團隊合作的能力
I was prepared to be able to work constructively with others and communicate effectively.
6-2 讓我具備書面溝通表達的能力

I am equipped with written communication skills.

6-3 讓我具備口語溝通表達的能力

I am equipped with oral communication skills.

7-1 讓我了解與尊重多元文化

I was educated to embrace cultural diversity.


C. 在義守的學習環境中,我的感受
Please read each statement and select the response that best describes your learning experience at COM
S1-1 對於學系(班)上的課程設計滿意
I am satisfied with the curriculum design of my department/program.
S1-2 原因為何(可略過)Please state your reasons (optional):
S1-3 對於學系(班)上的專業知識與技能培養規畫滿意
I am satisfied with the professional knowledge and skills development plan of my department/program.
S1-4 原因為何(可略過)Please state your reasons (optional):
S2-1 對於學系(班)上老師的教學品質滿意
I am satisfied with the quality of teaching in my department/program.
S2-2 原因為何(可略過)Please state your reasons (optional):
S3-1 對於學系(班)上老師的專業領域分佈滿意
I am satisfied with the composition of faculty members’ professional background in the department/program.
S3-2 原因為何(可略過)Please state your reasons (optional):
S3-3 對於學系(班)上老師在我學習過程中提供的專業輔導滿意
I am satisfied with the counseling and advice services provided by faculty members in my department/program.
S3-4 原因為何(可略過)Please state your reasons (optional):
S3-5 對於學校在學習過程中提供的輔導或協助機制滿意
I am satisfied with the counseling and support services offered by ISU.
S3-6 原因為何(可略過)Please state your reasons (optional):
S4-1 對於各類學術活動(如學習輔導、職涯講座、專業講座等)的規畫與舉辦上滿意
I am satisfied with the academic activities organized (e.g., learning support, career planning workshops, professional development seminars, etc.)
S4-2 原因為何(可略過)Please state your reasons (optional):