畢業證書公(認)證 Certificate of Graduation - Document Authentication

文件證明主要目的是使文件產生跨國公信力,便利有跨國使用需要之文件得以透過我國公證或外交機構之驗證,產生一定之公信力而被接受。惟外交部領事事務局及駐外館處辦理文件證明,僅係就文件之形式效力予以證明,此亦為國際慣例,至於文件內容及其實質效力及是否合於要證機關之申請要件,仍應由各要證機關審核後認定,不在外交部領事事務局及駐外館處文件證明的範圍。(取自 外交部領事事務局

Most foreign governments require that documents be authenticated by Bureau of Consular Affairs, BOCA or Ministry of Foreign Affairs, MOFA'S branch offices, but some do not. Therefore, BOCA suggests applicants contact the embassy/office of the country related to the documents to determine whether or not these documents need BOCA's or a MOFA branch office's authentication.

In addition to the regulations set forth above, applicants and their agents are also requested to pay attention to the following:
(1) BOCA and MOFA's branch offices provide walk-in-service only. Applicants are served on a first-come first-served basis.
(2) When applying for document authentication, applicants must prepare enough copies, namely, in addition to the documents to be authenticated, they must provide BOCA or MOFA's branch offices with one supplementary copy of each document for record-keeping.
(3) Please allow two working days for the necessary procedure of authentication.
(4) Failure to adhere to BOCA or MOFA's branch offices guidelines may prolong the authentication process.
(5) A 24-hour expedited service is now available; the extra charge for each original document is NT$200, for each document copy NT$100.

更多詳情及辦理公證所需文件,請參閱網站 Please visit for more infomation www.boca.gov.tw
1.Fengshan Office Building, Kaohsiung District Court

Address: No. 96, Sec. 2, Guotai Rd., Fengshan Dist, Kaohsiung

2.Bureau of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Office Hour: Monday – Friday, 08:30 – 1700(No Break Time)
Address:Floor 3~5, No. 2-2, Section 1, Jinan Road, Zhongzheng Dist, Taipei

3.Southern Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
(Southern Taiwan Joint Services Center, Executive Yuan)

Office Hour: Monday – Friday, 08:30-17:00 (No Break Time)
Address:3rd~4th Floor, No.6, Zhengnan Street, Lingya District, Kaohsiung
退稅須知 Tax Refund
1. 僑外生停留中華民國已超過90天者(尤其是當年度所得累計滿15萬以上的),請務必自行去國稅局據實申報納稅。
2. 若有應繳稅額而未申報情形,稽徵機關除依規定處以應補稅額3倍以下罰鍰外,並將通報入出國境之審核機關於該生入出境時查驗其完稅證明,無證明者,則無法出境。
3. 扣繳憑單上,若「扣繳金額」顯示為0,表示未被該工作機關扣稅,因此毋需辦理退稅。

1. 不管工讀金額多寡,請務必預先扣繳稅款(當月總所得小於$31,514 元以下者扣繳6%,若超過者全數扣繳18%)。*每月基本工資1.5倍,106年為新臺幣3萬1,514元。
2. 經核准之外籍生及僑生,如某一個月份之薪資所得超過新臺幣3萬1,514元,但未告知僱用單位時,經國稅局查獲須辦理更正或追補稅款時,除由聘用主持人(或聘用單位主管)負追繳之責外,並取消該生原核准適用6%稅率扣稅之資格。
3. 前業已以18%稅率報繳薪資所得稅並具居住者身分者,因稅法規定係屬須辦理結算申報者,爰請於次年5月底前至國稅局外僑股辦理稅額結算事宜(多退少補)。

如當年度超過183 天以上,就比照本地生處理。

(1) If the recipient of the income has resided in Taiwan for less than 183 days within the tax year, regardless of the total amount of income, 6% of amounts up to NT$26, 820 will be withheld, and 18% of amounts exceeding that.
(2) If the recipient of the income has resided in the R.O.C. for 183 days or more within the tax year, withholding rates for local students will apply, that is, only amounts exceeding NT$68,500 will be subject to withholding.
(3) For example, for a particular tax year, if the days of residence are calculated beginning with January 1 and the income recipient does not leave Taiwan, then on July 3 the income recipient will have reached 183 days of residence, and the withholding rates for local students will start to apply beginning on July 4.

欲辦理退稅之僑外生,請參考財政部網站 Please visit for more infomation www.etax.nat.gov.tw
畢業後延期居留證 ARC Extension after graduated


Graduates seeking employment in Taiwan are required to provide a graduation certificate to extend their period of stay. The maximum extension is 6 months, starting from the month of graduation. If students have postponed their graduation, they are required to provide documentation to keep or extend their ARC. Students will be granted a maximum extension of one year, according to their academic situation.



Overstay within 30 days (30th day excluded) but still enrolled: pay the fine and the application fee for the ARC extension.
Overstay more than 30 days (30th day included) and still enrolled: pay the fine and leave the country in 7 days to apply for a new visa to re-enter Taiwan.

Overstay fine:
1-10 days: NTD$2,000
11-30 days: NTD$4,000
31-60 days: NTD$6,000
61-90 days: NTD$8,000
over 91days: NTD$10,000

If you plan to leave Taiwan during the enrollment period, please make sure before your departure that your ARC will still be valid when you return to Taiwan. If necessary, please renew your ARC at the service center of National Immigration Agency in your local residence.

If you apply to leave the school (suspension, withdrawal, and graduation), your ARC with the purpose of study will become invalid after you complete the related school-leaving procedure. You shall return the ARC to the service center of National Immigration Agency in your local residence and leave Taiwan within the prescribed period. If you would like to return to ISU after the suspension is over, you will need to re-apply for a new visa to enter Taiwan.
工作證 Working Permit

For those who are the graduates or extend their graduation, their Work Permits will expiry on 30 June of the same year and will not be allowed to apply in the summer.
全民健康保險 National Health Insurance

National Health Insurance for Graduated Students will be withdrawn in July for the graduation year. Student staying in Taiwan for seeking a job after graduation should proceed to National Health Insurance Administration or District Office nearby your hoursing area to maintain your health insurance active.
For students leaving Taiwan earlier, please inform OICA and be noticed that your company is responsible for handling your national health insurance once you successfully get the job offer.