Jen-Chien Wu

Title: Director of Auditing & Section Chief

Ext.#: 2072



1. Taking charge of all affairs of the Section
2. Promoting the standardization of legal affairs on campus
3. Providing counseling services on intellectual property rights
4. Providing suggestions about contracts, regulations, rules, etc.
5. Handling other non-routine tasks

    Yi-Jhen Lo

      Title: Project Staff

      Ext.#: 2074



1. Promoting the standardization of legal affairs on campus
2. Providing counseling services on intellectual property rights
3. Handling affairs related to the Faculty Appeal and Arbitration Committee
4. Announcing relevant laws and regulations
5. Providing suggestions about contracts, regulations, rules, etc.
6. Issuing electronic newsletters on campus laws and regulations regularly
7. Handling affairs related to monthly legal counseling services
8. Announcing government laws and regulations
9. Assisting with affairs related to the Personal Information Protection Act
10. Handling other non-routine tasks